Minisymposium Proposal Submission

USNCCM18 is now accepting proposals for minisymposia.

The Congress Organizers have identified 15 topic areas for the scientific content of the congress.
To best align the congress, we ask that when you submit your minisymposium proposal you provide both a primary and secondary topic area.

The deadline for proposals is October 15.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Topic Areas

100: Honorary Minisymposia

200: Scientific Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Data-Driven Methods

300: Biomechanics / Computational Biology / Biosystems

400: Soft Materials

500: Solid Mechanics and Materials

600: Fluid Mechanics

700: Multi-Phase Mechanics and Fluid Structure Interactions

800: Nanoscale Phenomena

900: Advanced Manufacturing

1000: Novel Computational Methods/Algorithms

1100: Emerging Computing Paradigms (Exascale, Quantum, GPUs, Hybrid)

1200: Geosystems and Climate Science

1300: Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification

1400: Optimization

1500: Scientific Visualization, Extended Reality, Augmented Reality

To submit your minisymposium proposal, you will need to create an account in the submission system.
If you have used the USACM submission system before, you can use the same credentials.