Discussion Panel: NSF SBES Report and Beyond

Discussion Panel: NSF SBES Report and Beyond

Wednesday, July 23, 2:00-4:00 pm, room TBD, Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile 

The panel discussion will be based on the NSF Blue Ribbon Panel Report on SBES from 2006. We will look at the report's major findings and challenges identified, discuss how much progress was made and what issues are still outstanding, how the landscape of SBES transformed in the last 20 years, and, most importantly, where the field is today and where we are headed. The panel is envisioned to be an informal live discussion between the panelists, moderators and audience. 



Cornell University & Pasteur Labs

Bruce Engelmann

Hexagon MSC

Thomas J.R. Hughes

The University of Texas at Austin


Vanderbilt University


Carnegie Mellon University

Panel Organizers and Moderators:

Yuri Bazilevs

Brown University

Glaucio Paulino

Princeton University

The panel is sponsored by the 

US National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM)